miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018

BA Celebra Scotland and Ireland 2018

Hi there, folks! How are you doing? Now pull up a chair, a sofa or whatever. And focus, for I'm ready to impart my news. I’m so happy because I passed all my exams. Apart from that, I attended “BA Celebra Irlanda y Escocia.” It was so good. This post is going to be about my experience in the first edition of this BA. Usually Ireland and Scotland are celebrated on different days. But this year, they were celebrated together. At the end of the post, I’m going to give you my opinion, about this idea of celebrating two communities together.

Last Saturday was exhausting for me. I had to attend my Korean lesson, and at the same time, I had to go to BA Celebra Ireland and Scotland. I ran from Palermo to Mayo Avenue. But it was totally worthy.

The celebration started as usual with a big Scottish and Irish parade. 

All the groups marched a long Mayo Avenue. Then, the first dacing group hit the stage.

This is the first edition of BA Celebra Scotland that I attended after my trip to Scotland. I cannot compare walking down The Royal Mile with this, but for a moment it brought back happy memories.

Celtic Argentina

I ate a vegetarian burger and Ice cream. I also ate cakes and some delicious Irish cupcakes.

I really had a great time in this cultural festival. But I would like to celebrate Scotland and Ireland on separate days. Having their respective celebrations is something the coordinators asked the government to arrange for next year. 
It was the first time in nine years that two communities have to join to celebrate their days. I really enjoyed this festival, but I felt it was more about Ireland than Scotland. 
In August, we have "The Highland Games," which are purely Scottish.  
Here you have a summary of this event. 

That's all folks. Have a nice day!

3 comentarios:

  1. Wow!! You are keeping yourself very busy, culturally speaking!! I really admire you for the way in which you put your whole heart into the things you like!! That's the way to live life!!!
    What's the next BA celebra??

  2. Oh... I've just read it below :-) BA Celebra Mexicom in May, is that correct?

  3. Actually, on April 14th you can attend BA celebra Japan. Mind you, lots of people go to this event, so try to go early.


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